Sunday 24 June 2007

can i also add...

in addition to my post about the Red Bull ad.

I have not seen that advert since. I'm guessing someone with a brain decided to take it off the air. ha!


125 magazine have done a special issue feature this month. its based on all japanese photography and art, graphics whatever. £6.99 for a chunky journal!!! loads of inspiring material!


just remember that name.

Monday 11 June 2007


Red bull has certainly not hit the target of giving their audience the ability to fly away with wings! I saw the latest ad of theirs on TV, consisting of the same illustrated characters, this time, a single man in his apartment. Gets woken up by the sounds of a woman screaming for help in a dark alleyway just below his flat, unfortunately our rescue hero cannot save the life of this woman who is yelping at the top of her voice as Mr Red Bull apparently has no red bull. Therefore he is not capable of saving a woman from possibly the worst case scenario int he middle of the night in a dark alleyway. How can the big boys at the top not see that this ia poor portrayal of the regular Red Bull drinker. A wimp.

Tuesday 5 June 2007



I fall victim to the commercials and corporate identity. But it's just so cool!!!! Expensive, but cool!

Nu Rave

I just wrote a post in my critical journal about nu rave.

I really can't stand it.

It's the new Nu-metal.

Lance Wyman "Mehico '68"

Check this link to a Lance Wyman site

He was responsible for designing the signage for the 1968 olympic games in Mexco. Pretty much lifted off his design career in one fell swoop with that job. Anyway, check it out, his work is awe-inspiring.